My little sister is homesick.
How do I know? I read it in her blog. As I use my real name, and she doesn't, I won't reveal what her blog's name is. I know what else, too. I miss her terribly! I hope she plans a trip back home soon. I want to see her again. It's been too long. We talk on the phone occasionally and IM a lot, but it is not the same as being able to reach out and hug her. Of course, growing up we were not a hugging family, and I regret that we weren't for I feel that it is important for kids growing up to be comfortable touching others in an affectionate way. It paves the way, in my opinion, for an easier transition to being intimate with significant others (and insignificant others, if and when the situation arises--I'm a guy).
(An old picture of me with my younger brother and sister)
(An old picture of me with my younger brother and sister)
Pretty cool
Hey, I look forward to reading your new blog. Good luck with it!
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